WordPress 4.0的新功能
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Today, WordPress 4.0 (named “Benny” after jazz musician Benny Goodman) was released. Here’s a round-up of what you can expect to see in the latest update from the WordPress team headed up by release lead Helen Hou-Sandí.

今天, WordPress 4.0 (以爵士乐手Benny Goodman的名字命名为“ Benny”)发布了。 这是由发行团队负责人HelenHou-Sandí领导的WordPress团队的最新更新的摘要。

WordPress 4.0 Release

WordPress 4.0的主要功能 (Key WordPress 4.0 Features)

A mountain of work goes into each WordPress release and version 4.0 is no different. In this article we’ll review the main improvements that version 4.0 brings. The key features that we’re going to walk through are:

每个WordPress版本的工作量很大,而4.0版也不例外。 在本文中,我们将回顾4.0版带来的主要改进。 我们将要介绍的关键功能是:

  • Choosing Your Own Language On Installation

  • New Grid View for the Media Library

  • Improvements to the Content Editor

  • More Support for oEmbed

  • Improvements to TinyMCE Views

  • New Plugin Installation Experience

  • New Widget Customizer Panel

  • New Accessibility Features

  • Updated External Libraries


We’ll also cover how to update your site to the latest version.


在安装时选择自己的语言 (Choosing Your Own Language On Installation)

One of the key benefits of WordPress is that it is an Open Source platform, available for anyone worldwide to use. In fact, it is estimated that . Given this, it makes perfect sense for the WordPress team to address this need.

WordPress的主要优点之一是它是一个开放源代码平台,可供世界各地的所有人使用。 实际上,据估计 。 鉴于此,对于WordPress团队解决此需求非常有意义。

When installing WordPress on a new website, you’ll be greeted with a new ‘Language Selection’ panel.


WordPress 4.0 Installation Language Selection

If you have installed WordPress using another language, you can change the this by navigating to Settings > General. At the bottom of this page, you should be able to see the new ‘Site Language’ option.

如果您已使用其他语言安装了WordPress,则可以通过导航到“设置”>“常规”来更改此设置。 在此页面的底部,您应该能够看到新的“网站语言”选项。

WordPress 4.0 Language Selection

媒体库的新网格视图 (New Grid View for the Media Library)

Arguably the biggest (and possibly the most long-awaited) facelift to WordPress, the new Media Library layout now offers a grid layout view (in addition to the current list view). This feature started off as a stand-alone project and provides a new and improved view that makes managing media files much easier and faster than ever before.

新的媒体库布局可以说是对WordPress的最大(可能是最期待的)改版,现在提供了网格布局视图(除了当前列表视图之外)。 此功能从一个独立项目开始,并提供了新的改进视图,使管理媒体文件比以往任何时候都更加轻松快捷。

When you click on a media item it will take you directly to a pop up modal window (rather than a completely separate page). In the new modal window, you’re able to see a larger preview, easily edit image data, and even navigate directly between media files. The new grid view also allows you to choose multiple files simultaneously, by checking a box in the top right hand corner.

当您单击媒体项目时,它将直接带您到弹出模式窗口(而不是完全独立的页面)。 在新的模式窗口中,您可以查看更大的预览,轻松编辑图像数据,甚至直接在媒体文件之间导航。 通过选中右上角的框,新的网格视图还允许您同时选择多个文件。

WordPress 4.0 Media Grid View

内容编辑器的改进 (Improvements to the Content Editor)

WordPress 4.0 allows you to make better use of your screen while in editor mode.

WordPress 4.0允许您在编辑器模式下更好地利用屏幕。

The editor now resizes, and its top and bottom bars pin when needed. As a result, when you scroll up and down, the post editor sticks, so there is no need to scroll to the top of the page anymore. This feature is tricky to illustrate with a screenshot, but if you spend any serious amount of time in the content editor you will find it greatly improves the editing experience.

现在,编辑器将调整大小,并在需要时固定其顶部和底部的条。 结果,当您上下滚动时,帖子编辑器会保留,因此不再需要滚动到页面顶部。 很难用截图说明此功能,但是如果您在内容编辑器中花费大量时间,您会发现它会大大改善编辑体验。

对oEmbed的更多支持 (More Support for oEmbed)

The new WordPress 4.0 release provides the ability for you to preview any embedded oEmbed URL directly within your visual editor. The video itself actually renders. This eradicates the need to ‘Preview’ your post or page, just to see how it looks on your live site. This new feature is perfect for previewing URLs taken directly from services like YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, Twitter and SlideShare. While oEmbed isn’t a new WordPress feature, the ability to view a live preview while in the visual editor definitely is.

新的WordPress 4.0版本使您能够直接在可视编辑器中预览任何嵌入式oEmbed URL。 视频本身实际上在渲染。 这消除了“预览”您的帖子或页面的需要,只是为了查看它在您的实时网站上的外观。 这项新功能非常适合预览直接从YouTube,Vimeo,Flickr,Twitter和SlideShare等服务获取的URL。 尽管oEmbed不是WordPress的新功能,但绝对可以在可视化编辑器中查看实时预览。

WordPress now also supports oEmbed from a wider variety of providers, including:


  • TED Talks

  • CollegeHumor

  • YouTube Playlists

  • Issuu

  • Mixcloud

  • Polldaddy Short URLs


To give you an idea of how this brand spanking new feature works, here’s a live preview in the content editor of an embedded TED Talk video:

为了让您大致了解这个品牌的新功能是如何工作的,下面是嵌入式TED Talk视频的内容编辑器中的实时预览:

WordPress 4.0 oEmbed Visual

And here’s the HTML view:


WordPress 4.0 oEmbed HTML View

TinyMCE视图的改进 (Improvements to TinyMCE Views)

There have also been some improvements to how the keyboard and cursor interacts with TinyMCE views like gallery preview. These improvements are quite similar to the editor resizing and scrolling improvements mentioned above.

键盘和光标与TinyMCE视图(如图库预览)的交互方式也有了一些改进。 这些改进与上面提到的编辑器调整大小和滚动改进非常相似。

新插件安装体验 (New Plugin Installation Experience)

This new version of WordPress offers a fresh, new visual experience within the Plugins Install section. The revamped Plugin Install page allows you to browse in a grid view (much like the new Media Library grid view) and returns oodles of information when a plugin search is undertaken.

WordPress的这个新版本在“插件安装”部分提供了全新的视觉体验。 经过改进的“插件安装”页面使您可以在网格视图中浏览(非常类似于新的“媒体库”网格视图),并在进行插件搜索时返回大量信息。

If you’ve developed a WordPress plugin, make sure that you’ve added a thumbnail image to help you capitalise on the new plugin information display.


WordPress 4.0 Plugin Install View

You can also now filter for beta testing plugins.


WordPress 4.0 Beta Plugins

新的窗口小部件定制程序面板和API (New Widget Customizer Panel and API)

In the new version of WordPress widgets are in their very own panel within the Customizer section (note that the word ‘Theme’ has been dropped from this section as well). In version 3.9, the widgets were just part of Theme Customizer.

在新版本的WordPress中,小部件位于“定制程序”部分的单独面板中(请注意,“主题”一词也已从该部分中删除)。 在3.9版中,小部件只是Theme Customizer的一部分。

Developers should also that lets you group settings into panels.


新的辅助功能 (New Accessibility Features)

There are several improvements to accessibility with this release including keyboard accessibility in the ‘Add Media’ panel, screen reader support for the ‘Customizer’ and widgets, and links in the help tabs are now keyboard accessible.


更新的外部库 (Updated External Libraries)

WordPress 4.0 now ships with updates to the following libraries:

WordPress 4.0现在随附以下库的更新:

  • TinyMCE 4.1.3

    TinyMCE 4.1.3
  • jQuery 1.11.1

    jQuery 1.11.1
  • MediaElement 2.15

    MediaElement 2.15

如何更新? (How Do I Update?)

As of today, you should now see the following message prompting you to update to version 4.0 with a few clicks. As with any update you should make sure you have current backups before proceeding.

从今天开始,您现在应该看到以下消息,提示您单击几下即可更新到版本4.0。 与任何更新一样,在继续操作之前,应确保您具有当前备份。

WordPress 4.0 Upgrade Message

To update, simply follow the link shown in the message. You will then see the following screen where you have the option to automatically update or download the latest files. Clicking ‘Update Now’ lets you complete the update automatically and you should see the “Welcome to WordPress 4.0” message.

要更新,只需点击消息中显示的链接。 然后,您将看到以下屏幕,可以在其中选择自动更新或下载最新文件。 单击“立即更新”可让您自动完成更新,并且应该看到“欢迎使用WordPress 4.0”消息。

WordPress 4.0 Update Now

You might remember that the release of WordPress 3.7 introduced automatic background updates by default, however this doesn’t apply to major release updates (such as version 4.0, 5.0 etc.). Updating is configurable, you can read more about it at the WordPress Codex page on .

您可能还记得WordPress 3.7版本默认情况下引入了自动后台更新,但是这不适用于主要版本更新(例如4.0、5.0等)。 更新是可配置的,您可以在的WordPress Codex页面上阅读有关 。

Even once your site has been updated, it’s important that you check your theme and plugins are all compatible with the latest update. If you have any issues or questions, you will find general discussions about the release on .

即使您的网站已更新,也必须检查主题,并且插件都与最新更新兼容,这一点很重要。 如果您有任何问题或疑问,可以上找到有关该版本的一般讨论。

As always, it’s important to have a full file and database backup of your site to ensure you can roll things back if you do encounter any issues.


超越WordPress 4.0和WordPress发布周期的注意事项 (Beyond WordPress 4.0 and a Note on WordPress Release Cycles )

Now we’re covered version what’s new in 4.0, don’t forget 4.1 (and beyond) is just around the corner. While some commentators have argued that this update is not as ground-breaking as those released in version 3.0, many of its features promise, and deliver, better user experience.

现在我们涵盖了4.0中的新功能,不要忘记4.1(及以后)即将到来。 尽管一些评论员认为此更新不如版本3.0中的更新那么开创性,但其许多功能有望并提供更好的用户体验。

For an insight into the evolution of WordPress, Andrew Nacin talked about WordPress release cycles during his keynote talk at WordCamp Connecticut earlier this year. You can . Andrew’s talk is also a brilliant overview of the thinking behind the auto update feature and where WordPress is heading.

为了深入了解WordPress的演变,今年早些时候,Andrew Nacin在康涅狄格州WordCamp的主题演讲中谈到了WordPress的发布周期。 您可以 。 Andrew的演讲还很好地概述了自动更新功能背后的思想以及WordPress的发展方向。

结论 (Conclusion)

I think the WordPress team have done a great job further improving the WordPress user experience and making it an even more accessible platform for users worldwide.


For the extra keen, here are the official WordPress 4.0 release notes and changelog hot off the press on the WordPress Codex:

为了更加热衷,这里是WordPress Codex上新闻发布的官方WordPress 4.0发行说明和changelog:

Developers will be interested in the .


If you’re a frequent WordPress user, I’m sure you’ll enjoy some of these changes. As someone who spends quite a lot of time in the content editor, I’m already in love with the improvements to the TinyMCE editor, pinning, and media grid. I’d be interested to hear your thoughts and feedback below.

如果您是WordPress的常客,我相信您会喜欢其中的一些更改。 作为在内容编辑器上花费大量时间的人,我已经爱上了TinyMCE编辑器,固定和媒体网格的改进。 我很想听听您在下面的想法和反馈。



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